Message from the Editor
It’s hard to believe that another school year has come to a close. This year was challenging for all of us, but I think we have proven that the RSGC community remains as strong as always. So many of the ways we work, learn, gather and celebrate have had to change in profound ways, as you will see in this issue. We have four spotlights on members of the community who have had to get creative in their RSGC roles to meet the needs and challenges they encountered. Our features highlight some of the positive things that have come out of this pandemic, including a few that might stick around when life goes back to normal, students stepping up to the plate and finding ways to get involved when school life has been far from normal, and a catch-up with some members of the Class of 2020, who have made the most of a challenging situation in their own way. While it’s true that the pandemic has been a challenge for all of us, there have definitely been some silver linings. This issue hopefully brings that to light. And while so many things have been different this year, flipping through the latest issue of The Shield is one thing that can remain the same. (Except this time, it was put together with two kids and a dog on my lap!) Enjoy the issue, stay healthy and have a great summer.

Lauren Alpern