Message from the Editor
This issue of The Shield couldn’t be more fitting. It’s all about joy and laughter. If you know us well, you know that one of the main values of our beloved College is that joy and laughter belong here. During a period of time where joy and laughter might have been more difficult to attain, our community has found ways to make it happen. Simply hearing the sound of boys playing on campus during recess again is enough to make anyone smile. The issue is full of inspiring people who have followed their passions to bring them joy, who have brought joy and laughter to themselves and the people around them, and who have found ways to ignite their passions. Alumnus Tristan Bogler ’10 found a way to make his professional leap into the hockey world after years of determination—read his story on page 7. On page 8, you can read about current parent Melodie Shaffer finding herself again as she sails around the world. And on page 11, members of our community share their small moments of joy in photos. As my kids often remind me, it’s important to take the time to smell the roses. Enjoy the issue, stay healthy and happy holidays.

Lauren Alpern