A Message from the RSGCAA

Heading Towards Normalcy
I hope that everyone has had a great end to 2021, another year that we can put in the rear-view mirror.
Although life wasn’t entirely back to “normal,” we have made good strides to get there. The RSGCAA Executive Committee has been extremely busy bringing you virtual events throughout the fall and planning for the day that we can reconvene in person.
On October 26, we held our third On-Screen Cuisine with Afrim Pristine ’99—another sold-out event, with over 160 participants. Afrim put on another show with magnificent cheeses and meats, and we are grateful to Aperol for their sponsorship. A big thank you to Afrim and the Cheese Boutique for their continued support of RSGC and the RSGCAA.
We continued with our RSGCAA’s Knights Talk, with our seventh session on November 17. Michael Levine ’08 and Mark Kryshtalskyj ’10 sat down for a fireside chat to discuss the current state of Canada’s tech sector. It was a fascinating evening with great advice for other alumni who are looking for opportunities in the space, and projections for how the industry will evolve in a post-pandemic era.
In March 2021, we launched our Georgian Connect online mentorship platform to help connect alumni mentors and mentees across the RSGCAA. We are hopeful that we will be able to do an in-person launch event in the spring of 2022. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please email mentors@rsgc.on.ca.
As an Executive Committee, our priorities remain the same: to bring value to our alumni and to the greater RSGC community. If there is anything you would like to see or any ideas to share, please reach out!
Wishing you all a happy holiday and happy new year! Best,

Eddie Beqaj '08
RSGCAA President