It’s been a difficult and tumultuous period in our lives, so it’s important to find things that bring joy and laughter. We asked members of our community to share photos that captured a small moment of joy. We share them with you here.

Junior and Senior School Art teachers Jennifer Stroud and Leanne Mladen stayed happy rollerskating to music in the sunshine all summer long! —Jennifer Stroud and Leanne Mladen, RSGC Art teachers

I take great joy in walking to Christie Pits after school with my daughter. —Ian Fleming, Director of University Counselling

This photo gives me joy as it was taken pre-Covid doing something my family and I love, travelling. It was taken during the Christmas break of 2019 on an early morning, on a small island off the coast of Thailand. —Jared Duckman, Class of 2022

Our teensy garden all cozy and sparkly for evening drinks. —Sydney Stoyan, RSGC parent

Cameron Horn, Class of 2026, eats the best pizza (Stuft Pizza in Palm Springs) loaded with toppings at a favourite vacation place. —John Horn, RSGC parent

While we were in Spain last summer, our dog, Tobi, was spoiled by the dog boarder. —Paz Galarce, RSGC parent

Marrying couples outdoors in the spring. The bride had to buy her dress online—it took three tries to find one. Nothing made me happier during COVID than love that wouldn’t give up and adapted to tough times. —Clare Samworth, RSGC parent

This is Max Mull, Grade 6, doing what he loves to do: fish. One of his many catches! —Max Mull, Class of 2028

I took this picture on January 25, 2021, at around 6:00 am from the hospital where I work in Brampton. We are in the northwest part of the GTA. I pointed my phone towards downtown and the CN tower stands out. Across the street is the red neon sign of the transit bus stop. The contrast between the dreamy downtown and the drudgery of everyday working in the suburbs really struck me. —Priya Chopra, RSGC parent

This is an annual tradition with my kids and dog. We wake up early to go see the sunrise once a year. It’s quiet and peaceful, and it makes me so happy. —Lauren Alpern, Editor, The Shield

This is one of my favourite family traditions, which has brought my family so much joy and laughter. We missed it during the lockdown, so it was nice to be able to gather outside this past September for our annual “Jarring Tomato Sauce” Italian Family Gathering. We were all in my parents’ garage by 7:00 a.m., ready to go. My parents love that their grandkids are now taking part. We do the work and Nonno and Nonna tell us what to do while they drink their espresso! Our goal is to be done by noon. We have lunch together and enjoy a good plate of pasta with our new tomato sauce, cooked by my mom. We end up with enough tomato sauce to last us for an entire year! My siblings and I will continue this tradition for a long time. —Toni Nosworthy, Admissions Associate

This photo is of the mountains of Vermont taken in Mansonville (Eastern Townships), Quebec, near our cottage. —Michael Prokaziuk, RSGC parent

Cafe 23 on Queen Street West after an Autumn rain. —Michael Prokaziuk, RSGC parent

I love to play basketball. —Hertz Zhang, Class of 2029

Ben, Class of 2029, loving tubing: “Faster and more wake please!” —Amanda Innes, RSGC parent

Smores on the bonfire. —Laura Boujoff, RSGC parent

It brought me joy to see the students engaged and immersed in the love of learning and trying new things. I love watching the students accept the design-and-build challenges with great enthusiasm, and then jumping up and down with joy when they have succeeded in completing the tasks. —Glen Algarvio, Junior School Teacher

Always a joyous occasion to have my number-one assistant coach with me! —Sean Loucks, Basketball Coach

T his photo is the result of a surprise visit from my eldest daughter, Phoebe, who flew in from Halifax just to surprise us. Utter joy! —Brian Robinson, Alumni Outreach & Junior School Community Service

Seeing our students back on the playing field and having the privilege of coaching them brings me joy. —Steve Turner, Director of Athletics

Hitting the trail/road makes me happy. —Nick Van Herk, retired Director of University Counselling

Running through the sprinkler with my family. —Eli Marcovici, Class of 2025